Henry..he came to us 8 weeks ago as a boarder. He was to stay with us for 3 weeks while she moved. He came with 3lbs of food (lasted about 1 week), ears full of ticks that were engorged, nails like Hawk's talons, filthy and without a leash or martingale. His owner called on day 1 to see how he was doing. That was the last time she called me. three weeks later..I called her to find out if she was picking him up. She needed more time. Two weeks later (no word from her), I call back. She needed more time.
2 weeks later..i call back again..this time she says she will come pick him up that evening but then says she needs to find him another home due to their new jobs, location, life.
I tell her she needs to sign a relinquishment form and if she would like to come to my house to sign it and say her goodbyes..she could. That was 1 1/2 weeks ago, I have not heard or seen her since. Needless to say, we have no form, no vet records and we won't even mention my boarding fees.
But..the silver lining is that we have adopted Henry (WR Red Eye). He is 10 years old and was in his previous home for 6 years. He is a very good boy, seems healthy and happier now. He has gained weight, is silky clean, nails are short, ears are clean.
i can't say how his last 6 years were..I can guess but it would only be that. but I can guarantee he will have a wonderful last few years.
So..the Stumpf geriactric clan increases...
We now have Shiloh, 12, Dante, 11, Henry, 10, Dana, almost 9, with Cali skewing the numbers at 6. it will be hard to have another senior..and might take an emotional toll. but we just felt we were what he needed.
There is something special about adopting a senior...