First..I must touch on the fact that
SOME people's greyhounds seem to snuggle much more than others. I wanted to set the record straight that my dogs snuggle...

In their own way..

weird way...

they even kiss on occasion..

Henry says this is what he thinks of snuggling.

but enough of that. On to Kristen's birthday festivities! 'Cuz you know we didn't just have cake and ice cream!!!
We went to Washington DC (yes, that is two hours away for dinner) to eat dinner at
it was a load of us..
Kristen and Gyeong

her dad

Scott and Iva (of Beau and Belle fame)

and Doreen, Allen and Megan

It was a really neat experience..we first had to wash our hands.

B/c we were going to eat everything with our hands

Kristen got a cool certificate that said something we couldn't read

And we each got to sign the back..after a few bottles of wine I hope i wasn't too sappy!

And we even got to have a photograph with the host

and I must not forget...the entertainment. Every few hours (and the entire meal took 5 hours), a table was put in the middle of the restaurant and we were treated to about 20-30 minutes of belly dancing!

All in all it was a great experience. The food was OK, the wine was Ok, the experience was unforgettable and the company was superb! Happy Birthday to my bestest friend ever!