New year's
eve was pretty normal and low key. Friends, Greyhounds and Rock Band 3, go figure.

But three days later was nothing ordinary. Many of you follow IHateToast on her
Needle Noses blog. We have been following her blog for a long time and have used modern technology to forge a friendship even though she lives in Australia. We know her so well..but have never met. Until now! Katy, her husband (affectionately known as manboy on Facebook) Mark and her stepson Andrew stopped by on their 'tour of the US' for a night.
Henry thinks she smells like kangeroos and shrimp

Cali proves her 'tart-ness' and snuggles up instantly.

Kristen and Gyeong also come down with their crew to meet her. Stanley shares the couch while Cali continues her snuggles.

Hopefully gyeong got a better photo of them. But here is Katy, Kristen, Gyeong and Mark with Stanley, Stella, Jaime and Beth.

And then Katy, Mark and me with Cali, Dana (and Stanley and Beth in the background). Jason and Andrew were geeking out at the computer and missed the group photo.

We had a great dinner and introduced them to Gyeong's smoked pork butt and Jason's delicious sides. The next day they packed up and headed to their next destination. Oddly, two Bald Eagles stopped by my backyard to see the Aussie's off..

It was great to meet them! Hopefully one day we will get to Australia to snuggle with Omo and Fabian.
i named the eagles Strumpfy and Parkles. Those are incredibly noble names.
it was great to see you--really and truly see you. the company and food was great. we thank you for staying up past your bedtimes.
now that i've met cali and jason, i don't worry about them as much. they have to be together. you let them do their cuddle thing and have some me-time.
we had a wonderful time. thank you. we'll see you again at myrtle. will be working on brooke for that.
You got to meet Katy?! Oh, color me completely and totally green with envy! I think she has to be the funniest person ever!
How fantastic that you got to meet some of your blogging friends. I have made many friends through blogging and would love to meet them all someday!
awesome photos! What a nice evening you all spent together. I had to click through to the full size pic of Katy on the floor with her wine to see that fourth GH head snuggled under her elbow.
The picture of Katy and Henry looking at each other is great. The look on Henry's face is so funny and cute. What a fun time!
Wow - that's awesome that you got to meet Katy! It's amazing how our blogs bring us all together!
Hey, I read Needle Noses! So neat that you got to meet and hang out with Katy.
Good friends, good food, good drink, and of course lots of greyhounds!
Wow, so great you guys got to meet up! It's a small world when it comes to blogging. I'll bet Katy and Manboy loved getting a Greyhound fix. You have lapdog Greyhounds!!! Beryl has never even come close to climbing onto my lap. Maybe one day:)
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