Sunday, April 19, 2015

It's a good day

Cody's leg has healed completely.  What an ordeal..but very happy it finally healed.
Cali is doing great on Chemotherapy! Everything is normal and she is happy and playful.
This isn't a great photo but it captures her personality..she was squeaking the toy.
And yesterday, we celebrated the marriage of some amazing people! The president of the adoption group I volunteer with got married!  It was an awesome day!
All the JRG volunteers in attendance got together for a group shot.
Love my greyhound family!!!


Hazel said...

Congrats to Cali, and Cody! And happy greyhound people wedding! They all make up a great family!

I really like the photo showing the face and ears at that exact different and interesting!

Two Greyhound Town said...

:-) All is right with the world right now.

Sue said...

So glad things are going right for Cody and Cali. We are sending positive healing thoughts to them.

Sue, Polly & Honey

genji said...

Glad to see that Cody doesn't have sausage leg anymore. What a fun wedding it was.

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

So pleased Cali and Cody are doing well :) Looks like a great wedding! Congratulations to the happy couple.

houndstooth said...

There's nothing nicer than a post full of good news! :)