For those of you curious about the artwork in my previous post..find out all the information you need
Christmas..this year it was about the children. Which is a good thing and made it quite interesting. Kids get cool toys.
We left the 16 inches of snow and drove south of Charlotte, North Carolina..where they had no snow. The dogs were bewildered..

Henry and Dana enjoy a quiet moment by Jason's parents tree. This was a rare quiet moment when a 5 and 8 year old are involved.

Christmas morning arrived with the expected screaming, chaos and paper shredding pandemonium. This ruckus was taken differently by all involved.
Cali..found solace by laying on Jason's foot as we opened presents.

Dana..not a fan of loud noises or small people. She had no where to be and eventually found a quiet rug in the dining room to snooze. But she needed some encouragement to do that..

Henry..we decided we need to find out what drug this boy is on and get in on it. He is unshakable. This was his chosen place during the chaos.

Then we packed up and headed north to my parents in Roanoke. they still had snow but it was sloppy and muddy in most i didn't get any photos outside. Boone enjoyed his first Christmas. I only wish they made these type of toys when I was a kid!!

Cali wants in on the action..

We got a Nintendo DS, new front speakers for our surround sound system, a new cherry cutting board, various clothes and random stuff. I think Jason's favorite may have been the gift from my sister..a Porsche hubcab clock..

It is New year's Eve and we have very little planned for the evening. We are heading out to dinner with Beau and Belle's Mom and Dad and then trying to stay awake until midnight. We have some great trips and adventures planned for 2010, so we can bring it in sedately..right?
Happy New Year!
Henry, you're my kind of hound!
I so love the toys that kids get these days. I'm always jealous of the cool stuff that they have and I wish I could justify buying just because I want to play with it for like 10 min. I'm glad that Henry had a good first christmas with you!
You guys were 100x busier than me during the Holidays. I think I left the house once the last two weeks :)
I love those bomb(kid)proof greyhounds!
i don't think i have the guts to hang where henry was.
and a mack truck? noice.
Yay! Happy New Year!
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