Monday, December 7, 2009

Mystery..need help

Christmas is for giving and for miracles and Santa works in mysterious ways..all things I am aware of and appreciate.
I would really like to thank the person who sent me this beautiful bouquet of flowers and find out what the cryptic card message "...for saving me" means. I would love to know who I saved and how. Please reveal it will drive me batty if you don't. ;-)I know it wasn't from my I did this to them on Saturday. No way they are thanking me for anything....
But me figure out who sent this. And yes..i called the flower delivery company..they called the sender. The sender declined being released...
any ideas or suggestions are welcome.
Thank you..if you are reading this. I am glad we saved save my sanity and tell me who you are...;-)
Happy Holidays


houndstooth said...

It wasn't me, but the flowers are beautiful and the hounds are adorable!

genji said...

Saved someone? Are you busy spreading the Good Word? Henry looks happy, but the girls look like they don't believe in Santa anymore.

IHateToast said...

enjoy the mystery. you obviously helped a person or pup in need and they are so very grateful.

it's all the christmas you need.

now be looking for nasty presents from the hounds.

Amanda said...

how very sweet. you guys have done so much to help so many...enjoy them (and try to enjoy the mystery!). :o)