I am pink all over..tickled pink actually. Why? Because the tart..Miss Cali..has officially passed the therapy dog exam and we are a certified therapy dog team through Delta Society! We passed our exam this weekend. I couldn't be more proud! I can relate to the parents of children graduating from Harvard at this point..no lie! I could read..I understood what was expected of me..for me..it was easy! But Cali..she had a serious test to take. And she passed with flying colors getting above average on every single test which means she is qualified for "complex" situations..apparently a very rare occurence for first timers!
So our badge photo

The crepe myrtles are in bloom..they resemble my 'tickled pinkedness'

Black and white..well right now we are surrounded by a lot of black and white in fur colors. We are watching 3 hounds for a family for 3 weeks (I know...we are crazy) Terran, Linka and Ezri and for the weekend we had Ana and Blue.
See the black and white overload?

But you say..there is an empty bowl in the center and only 8 dogs!! Who is missing. Well..Linka tends to want to eat..in alternative locations. She is 10 so we oblige.

Terran (right) and Ezri (left) get their turn on the couch.

Blue loves his Aunt Trina..it is very obvious and I dig it. (shiloh..not so much)

Cow Dog Butt INVASION!

And oddly..we had a Wildlife Kingdom moment the other day. I know..I live in suburban hell with no trees how could I possible have wildlife?
The local hawk landed on my fence to enjoy his fresh meal of 'bird' (the squeamish need to look away)


that isn't a worm..

Cali was thoroughly exhausted after SAturday's test and was not up for any more fun

cali is not pleased that you're on that badge instead of her BF.
congratulations! did you skip?
Wow, congratulations Cali! That's really cool!
So are the hawk shots -- it's incredible to see something like that when you least expect it.
Congrats Cali! Do you get a title like Cali, T.D. At least your house is colorful. My house this week is 3 blacks and 3 brindles, and Parker. Dante knew that hawk didn't have a chance of flying away with him :)
I see nothing wrong at all with that many greys in the house and letting a 10 year old eat on the couch. Sounds just like another day at my house lol!
We have a bridle delta dog in GAP too! Her name is Bella!
Congrats Cali! Maybe you can come work with some of the kids at UMFS! They love doggie visitors!
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