Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's ALIVE!!!!

IT'S HERE!!!! I know..a grown woman this excited about a camera. I am not right.. I know. But after weeks of research, 3 days of staring at a lens with no camera, 1 day of staring at a camera + lens with no memory card..SHE IS ALIVE!!!!
And..I have a lot of work to do to even come close to understanding how to expertly use the damn thing..but here is my first attempt! The one thing I know is that it has a lot of potential!
Bear with me....
Rome became a great subject
I still need work on the action shots..
Paris enjoys a breeze
Paris plays fun police well..she reminds me a lot of Stella...
Rome is very handsomeAnd what is a blog without the beaut-animous recognize my sickness and don't laugh too loudly at me..I had to learn to use the auto focus points. So..imagine with me. The wine glass..instead of being 1/4 full of Yellowtail is full of a frozen fruity drink with an orange wedge/cherry and pink umbrella. And instead of being on a tile/iron is on a glass top table lightly dusted with sand ...AND (stay with me) instead of garden gloves and trowel in the background..a conch shell and cloth chaise recliner. AND instead of vinyl sided houses further out..a beach with rolling waves and a perfect sunset. Are you there with me...yeah...paradise. 12 days this will be a reality for me..and I hope to capture such an image. Thanks for taking the walk down delusion lane with me..back to my fruity I mean Yellowtail. ;-)


genji said...

Have fun learning all the ins and outs of your new camera. You only have a few days to master it before Jamaica :)

IHateToast said...

sure, gyeong is supportive now, but i sense and action-shot off! so who is zoolander and who is hansel?

love those funny ears. paris's, not yours. not that i don't love your ears. i'm not into human ears. they're too strange.

pineland said...

new cameras are fun! im still learning mine! looking forward to the action shots!! enjoy jamaica!

Heather said...

Your new camera already kicks butt! No doubt you and gyeong will have some sort of pic off before you know it. I can't wait to see what kind of photos you bring back from Jamaica.